Getting started

less than 1 minute read

In the beginning … you decide to start a Blog site. How?

Well, I love open source and I love to be able to write documents in a fairly simple way, without a special editor. Just Vi or Emacs should do the trick. So the Markdown language seemed to be a logical choice.

And of course as a coder I want to store the Blog articles in a source code repository. The standard nowadays is GitHub. And it appears that GitHub Pages is the website for you and your projects.

And when the choice is GitHub Pages you want to use Jekyll, a static site generator. And then you need a Jekyll theme. Well, in the end I found Minimal Mistakes a suitable (remote) theme.

For getting into contact with me, I used Formspree.

So this is the list of components I use to store and publish my Blogs:

  • GitHub Pages - publish your website hosted directly from your GitHub repository
  • Jekyll - the tool for Blogging using Markdown syntax
  • Minimal Mistakes - a Jekyll theme
  • Formspree - the form solution for any developer

