Multilingual website with Jekyll on GitHub Pages

3 minute read

As soon as you have a Jekyll website on GitHub pages, the question arises how to make it multilingual. Of course, there is Google Translate but is there a better way?

A website using a multilingual plugin

There are some multilingual plugins for Jekyll like jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin or polyglot.

However, the list of Jekyll plugins supported by GitHub shows that those plugins are not supported.

A website without a multilingual plugin

So we need an approach without plugins and after some Google research I found these articles:

In all these articles the idea is to:

  • store all pages in different languages in the same website (repository)
  • create different language folders
  • add administration to the pages or configuration to make it work (for example the language of a page)

But these are the disadvantages:

  • the paginate plugin does not longer work
  • you can not display simply all pages or posts but you must filter on them having the same page language
  • the Minimal Mistakes theme is able to do a translation but only for the language system setting (site.locale).

So, if I wanted to use this method it would mean I had to override a lot of files from the Minimal Mistakes theme, brrr.

Every website having its own language

As it often happens, a night’s rest came to my rescue. What if I would create a website for each language I needed, so one in Dutch, one in English, etcetera?

The advantages compared with the previous method:

  • the paginate plugin will still work
  • no language related changes to the Minimal Mistakes theme files necessary

The disadvantages:

  • some duplication of configuration files (i.e. _config.yml, Gemfile)
  • the necessity to work with a baseurl (site.baseurl)
  • the creation of extra repositories
  • some attention needed with site URL’s

Please note that the content files (posts or pages) have to be translated in either method, so I do not count that as duplication.

In my opinion the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

Repositories used

The next question was which Github repositories to use? There is already a User (or Organization) site so you could make that the main website and the translated sites would be Project sites. But I decided to have my User site just display the most relevant projects including:

  • My English business Blog (named blog)
  • My Dutch personal Blog (named blog-nl)

How site URL’s are constructed

For a better understanding I print the website tree (using tree -A _site/) first:

├── 404.html  
├── Rakefile  
├── about  
│   └── index.html  
├── assets  
│   ├── css  
│   │   └── main.css  
│   ├── images  
│   │   └── bio-photo.jpg  
│   └── js  
│       ├── _main.js  
│       ├── lunr  
│       │   ├── lunr-en.js  
│       │   ├── lunr-gr.js  
│       │   ├── lunr-store.js  
│       │   ├── lunr.js  
│       │   └── lunr.min.js  
│       ├── main.min.js  
│       ├── plugins  
│       │   ├── gumshoe.js  
│       │   ├──  
│       │   ├── jquery.fitvids.js  
│       │   ├── jquery.greedy-navigation.js  
│       │   ├── jquery.magnific-popup.js  
│       │   └── smooth-scroll.js  
│       └── vendor  
│           └── jquery  
│               └── jquery-3.4.1.js  
├── categories  
│   └── index.html  
├── contact  
│   └── index.html  
├── feed.xml  
├── getting-started  
│   └── index.html  
├── index.html  
├── jekyll-multilingual-website  
│   └── index.html  
├── jython-red  
│   └── index.html  
├── oradumper  
│   └── index.html  
├── posts  
│   └── index.html  
├── robots.txt  
├── search  
├── sitemap  
│   └── index.html  
├── sitemap.xml  
└── tags  
    └── index.html

In blog/_config.yml these are the relevant URL settings:

url : ‘’
baseurl : ‘/blog’

This baseurl is prepended by Jekyll to (most of) the relative URL’s (an URL without ://) used in your posts or pages. There are some exceptions:

  • the Markdown link or image url in a page
  • the Minimal Mistakes theme url settings in _config.yml like author url’s

For these exceptions there are two cases:

  1. when a relative url starts with a / (e.g. /assets/images/bio-photo.jpg)
  2. when a relative url does not start with a / (e.g. ../assets/images/bio-photo.jpg)

The first case means that the absolute url will be the site.url plus the relative url, thus:


So when the current page is, you can see that the first relative URL is wrong and the second is okay.


Using separate websites (GitHub repositories) is a simple way to get multilingual websites.

Actually, for me the English Blog site was business orientated and the Dutch Blog site was personal so I should already have them separated at the start, 😞.

But then I would not have created this Blog, 😊.


